What are Venetian Blinds?
Venetian blinds consist of horizontal wooden slats suspended by cord or tape which allows them to be rotated by up to 180 degrees. When fully open, the slats lie flat allowing maximum light penetration. When closed, the slats are vertical and slightly overlap preventing any light from coming through. These adjustable slats allow for perfectly easy control of the large range of light levels entering the room whilst still maintaining privacy when viewed from outside. If you choose to have tapes on your blinds they can either be a colour to match the wood or an alternative colour giving a bespoke touch.
Wood is a natural insulator helping to keep the heat out in the summer and retain heat in during the colder months.

How do they work?
The slats are adjusted using a cord at the side of the blind, this cord, when pulled, pulls the corresponding cord or tape that is attached to the horizontal slats which in turn raises that side of the slat and therefore opens or closes them.
A separate cord is used to raise all the slats to the top of the window leaving the window space fully unobstructed. It is worth noting that when the slats are fully raised the stack will take up a bit of space. If space is limited above your window frame, a roller blind, vertical blind or shutter may be more suitable.
Recommended rooms:
Venetians are very versatile and are suitable for most windows.
Bathrooms and kitchens: Real wood can be susceptible to warping when exposed to moisture, Faux Woods are your best options here. They look identical but are made from PVC and are even slightly cheaper.
Conservatories: Faux woods deteriorate in rooms with high heat such as conservatories and south facing rooms, real wood would be a more suitable in these situations.
Looking after your venetian blinds:
Faux woods are made from PVC which is tougher than real wood when it comes to cleaning. You can use any of your household cleaning products on these which makes it easier in kitchens where you may find a build up of grease. Real woods on the other hand are a little more sensitive so stick to products you would use on your wooden furniture such as polish.

Start with dusting your blind, a feather duster is the best option for this, simply slot it between each of the slats and run it along the length of the slat.
For a more thorough clean, put some of your chosen cleaning product on a cloth and run it along each of the slats whilst they are in a fully closed position. Start at the top and systematically work your way down. Once you have completed this rotate the slats by 180 degrees so they are lying shut but in the opposite way i.e the edge closest to you is up rather than down. Repeat the process of wiping your cloth along each of the slats. A handy hack is to wrap cloths around the end of tongs so you can clean both sides of the slats at the same time!
If you are interested in Venetian blinds for your home or work place, get in touch to arrange a free, no obligation measuring and consultation appointment.
